Dr. Thorn’s Recommended Products

Here is my list of my most often recommended products that are simple and easy to add into most any routine in 2023. These products are the best on the market and ones I use myself. They’ve also been featured in lists published by the ADA and the AGD as must have’s for patients.

We carry all of these products for your convenience, many with special pricing and rebates not found online. Order online, call or come in. We ship anywhere in the country.

Probiora Oral Probiotics

This is a professional strength patented probiotic for the mouth that crowds out bad bacteria and replaces them with good bacteria. Whether your issues are gum disease, cavities, dry mouth, snoring at night, bleeding gums, or stained teeth, probiotics are a simple and effective solution for oral health and whiter teeth! Just dissolve one in your mouth once per day, it’s as simple as eating a breath mint!



StellaLife Rinse

This company makes a gel and a rinse that are wonderful for dry mouth, snoring and gum issues. It is also helpful for opioid free healing after surgeries like tooth extractions and tongue tie releases. Stella life products are microbiotic and all-natural with ingredients like echinacea and arnica that promote hydration of tissues and promote healing of inflamed or damaged tissue. This rinse is a MUST for most of my patient experiencing oral dryness or gingival bleeding.


Somnifix Mouthtape

Mouthtape is exactly what it sounds like: tape that is lip shaped to cover the lips and promote nasal breathing. When your mouth is closed, your tongue sits properly on the roof of the mouth, allowing nasal breathing (try to breathe through your mouth with your tongue on the roof of your mouth- it’s nearly impossible!). For people who CAN breathe through their nose, mouthtape is a great adjunct to ensure the mouth stays shut at night, which keeps teeth and the whole body healthier! I prefer the Somnifix brand as is doesn’t’ cause my sensitive skin to break out and is easy to remove.




I love therabreath products for gargling to dislodge tonsil stones.




This company makes MANY FABULOUS products. I absolutely love their toothpaste options with and without Fluoride. Their toothpastes have a nano version of hydroxyapatite (ie minerals for your teeth like Calcium and Phosphate that are lost through the eating process) and a high pH to balance out acidity from foods / preservatives / bad bacteria / snoring / dry mouth.




I love cocofloss – it is made with organic cotton, and is woven to act like a loofa in between the teeth. My teeth have never felt as clean as when I use cocofloss in combo with my Sonicare toothbrush.



Listerine flosser

This little tool makes flossing back teeth MUCH easier because the floss is perpendicular to the handle. (Pro tip: I rinse each floss refill head and re-use them several times before replacing to prevent plastic waste.)


Phillips Sonicare Toothbrush

I have been using my Sonicare toothbrush for almost 9 years now. It has not has ANY battery problems, and it works amazingly. It has a timer to make sure you brush long enough, a pressure sensor to prevent brushing too hard, a handy travel case, and it is something like 10 times more effective than a manual toothbrush with over 30,000 brush stroke per minute vs a manual toothbrush at 300 brushstrokes per minute.


Phillips Water Flosser

Water flossers are great for people who have dexterity problems, people who won’t commit to flossing with string floss, people who want to add products like Stella life into their routine, and people looking for convenience. This water flosser is portable and can be easily used in the shower or even used during travel. This is a MUST have for many of my patients and one that we sell out of regularly.


Xlear Nasal Spray

Sinus hygiene is SUPER important to ensuring nasal breathing. I often recommend patients try a spray such as Xlear before bed (with a drop of baby shampoo added) to make sure the nasal passage stay clear and open. This is easy to use in conjunction with mouthtape.


Oil Pulling


Sinus Congestion