Payment Options
We offer several options for payment: cash, credit, check, paypal, venmo.
We also offer third party financing: Care Credit, Cherry and Proceed.
Payment may also be submitted securely through your patient portal.
We do request payment of your estimated portion to reserve your slot for any treatment appointments.
We strongly believe that finances shouldn’t be a barrier to care for any of our patients. This is why we file all private insurance policies for our patients or utilize our Smile Club membership savings plan; and this is also why we offer several options for the remainder of the care plan.
We offer Care Credit for those who prefer to use it. We also offer Cherry for the majority of our patients payment needs including several 0% interest offers and payment plans stretching out to 60 months. Proceed is great for patients needing longer terms up to 96 months and higher amounts, up to $75,000. Scroll and click the links below to learn more.