Probiotics – for your mouth!

It may seem obvious, but did you know that your mouth is the gateway to your whole body? All sorts of health problems -and solutions- begin with your mouth.

Your mouth -and body- is full of bacteria.

There are good bacteria and bad bacteria – the bad bacteria are the kinds that live deep between your tooth and gums. They cause things like cavities, infections, and gum / bone loss (periodontal disease). The bad bacteria are also linked to serious overall health issues:


Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Heart attack and stroke

High blood pressure

Adverse pregnancy outcomes like pre-term birth and low birth weight

Cancer of several forms


Joint problems


The research on the link between these bad bacteria in your mouth and your overall health is enormous. Many physicians recognize this link and require their patients to have dental clearances before having surgery or invasive treatment.


When your gums bleed – even a little- when you brush or floss, that means the tissues are inflamed. The aggressive bacteria causing inflammation and bleeding will easily travel through your blood stream to colonize your heart valves, joints, and increase your risk for serious health issues.


Did you know that the bacteria in your mouth is contagious too? If you have healthy bacteria -or bad bacteria- you can pass it to your children, friends, and family members. You can also catch bad bacteria from the people you spend a lot of time with!


This is why it is so important to make sure that the bacteria in your mouth is as healthy as possible. With healthy, good oral bacteria, you can more easily fight off aggressive bacteria when you encounter it, and you will avoid problems like cavities, gum recession, gum disease/ periodontal disease, and overall health issues.


How can you ensure the bacteria in your mouth is as healthy as possible?

1.     Brush 2x/day and floss at least 1x/day – this helps mechanically break up the colonies of bacteria and get rid of any fuel for the bad bacteria like carbohydrates, sugars and acids.

2.     Avoid using alcohol-based mouth rinses – these are drying and irritating to your tissues.

3.     Get tested! Salivary testing is cheap ($99) and as easy as drooling into a tube. We can tailor your treatment plan to your individual needs once we know exactly what types of bacteria we are fighting.

4.     Use oral probiotics – just like you use probiotics for your skin and gut, consider adding an oral probiotic. Companies like Probiora and BioGaia have great products for adults and children.

5.     Get regular dental checkups that involve checking your gum and bone health, a thorough screen for cavities, and a thorough screen for inflammation and other linked problems such as TMJ issues, sleep / airway issues, and tongue ties.


If you have more questions, we love to talk all things bacteria and oral health! Call to set up a new patient visit today so you and Dr. Thorn can take a deep dive into your oral health needs and make sure you and your family members are set up for a lifetime of health and wellness.



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